Not a
Run Club

We are a beginner-friendly run club that welcomes anyone who wants to start running or hasn't run in a while.

Our goal is to create a fun and supportive environment where runners of all levels can feel comfortable learning and growing together.

Where and When

Our weekly runs are available to join every Monday Evening, running around the loop around Sri Hartmas Park:



Every Monday
Sri Hartmas Park Sign
5KM (2 loops)

The runs are open to all - no registration required or prior experience required! We run in 3 separate paces to ensure everyone is comfortable whatever level they may be.

If you feel like you can push yourself, we'll push you on to lead the pack. But if you're comfortable with your group, we'll be there to motivate you every step of the way.

Join our Club on Strava to keep track of all the runs and to stay updated on all things JRC.

Leading the Pack

Journey Run Club is led by our very own Shakeel alongside passionate run captains from the community. Our team comprises men & women of varying experience levels with several marathons under their belt as well as those who have only recently run their first races.

In Shak’s words, “While running has definitely helped me grow my fitness, I enjoy it more for its meditative elements. I tend to enjoy running without music as it helps me focus on my movement and breathing. It’s a humbling sport that gives you back what you put in & it’s something that you can do almost anywhere, anytime”.

You have to start somewhere, why not start with JRC. We'll see you on Monday ✌🏼


Where is the meet up point?

We'll gather around the basketball court and small jogging area at Sri Hartamas park. We'll do a quick warmup as a group and then head over to the edge of the running loop to start the run.

How fast will the run be?

We run three groups at approximately six, seven & eight minutes per KM, staggering starts for each group with the fastest group heading out first.

I think 8 minutes per KM is too fast, can I still join?

Of course! 8 minutes per KM will be the fastest pace of that final group but we will have sweepers at the back for those who want to run at a lower pace.

What if I can't keep up with the group during the run?

There will be a designated sweeper at the back of the pack to keep you company and push you til the end. If it's your first time running and feel 5km might be too long, you are more than welcome to call it a night after one loop.

Is running on the road safe?

We conduct our runs in the safest way possible, running against traffic, sticking with a group, and assign a limited number of blinkers to increase visibility on the road. We do advise you to wear brighter colours or clothing which can reflect light.

Do I need to pay to join the run?

Nope, you can join for free!

What happens if it rains?

The run will continue in light to medium rain. We will stop for heavy rainstorms. Any cancellations prior will be communicated through our Strava & Instagram accounts.

What do I need to bring?

Just yourself & your running gear. A blinker and a bottle of water are highly recommended as well.

Pre-order your set!

Our exclusive set with butter drops on 18 August 2022.

Pre-order your set today to get 15% off and a place in our butter ride on Saturday 20 August 2022 at 11am.

Whether it's the full set, top or bottoms - the first 23 buyers will secure a spot to our butter duo ride with Harris & Ifa.

You'll also take home a special goodie bag with Journey x butter goodies.

Click here

to view the size chart from butter

Pre-orders close Monday 15 August, what are you waiting for?

Thank you! We'll send over an email within the next 24 hours for payment, once paid you'll confirm your spot in the duo ride + have your set ready for collection in-studio by August 16 2022.
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