
Master Instructor


About Me

5 years down, a lifetime to go.

Spinning to me has brought so much goodness to my life and I look at it as a way for me to repay the community for all the love that has been shared with me. I do this by ensuring that I am at my best when I step on the podium and I am able to motivate, inspire and bring out the best of every single person who walks through the doors at Journey.

When I'm not teaching, you’ll most likely catch me around working on growing Journey to become the best indoor cycling studio possible! My music choices usually come from all over the place as I practice a ‘vibe’ or ‘feels’ approach to it so don’t be shocked to hear something you didn’t expect, but I promise you thats it’ll be a tunnnneeeee!

Class Vibe

Dramatic and powerful



Star Sign


Guilty Pleasure

Finishing the last portion of food when sharing with people

Currently Jamming to:


Master Instructor



About Me

5 years down, a lifetime to go.

Spinning to me has brought so much goodness to my life and I look at it as a way for me to repay the community for all the love that has been shared with me. I do this by ensuring that I am at my best when I step on the podium and I am able to motivate, inspire and bring out the best of every single person who walks through the doors at Journey.

When I'm not teaching, you’ll most likely catch me around working on growing Journey to become the best indoor cycling studio possible! My music choices usually come from all over the place as I practice a ‘vibe’ or ‘feels’ approach to it so don’t be shocked to hear something you didn’t expect, but I promise you thats it’ll be a tunnnneeeee!

Class Vibe

Dramatic and powerful



Star Sign


Guilty Pleasure

Finishing the last portion of food when sharing with people

Currently Jamming to: